Diversity Data
2023 Data Highlights
Measuring our progress keeps us accountable for meeting our goals.

The representation of URGs in the US increased this year (+0.6pp to 16.8%), although we remain slightly below our 2021 representation (17.4%).

The representation of Women at Snap globally continues to increase YoY, now at 36.3% (+0.7pp).

23% of our US hires were URGs (+0.8pp). This increase was driven by hiring of URG Men (+2.2pp to 14.9%) whilst fewer of our 2023 hires were URG Women (-1.1pp to 7.9%).

33.7% of global Leaders at Snap are Women, our highest representation and strongest YoY growth (+4.6pp) since 2020. We are now close to our goal of 34.5%.

12.5% of Leaders in the US are URGs (-1.3pp), similar to 2021 levels. Around ⅓ of URG Leaders are Women.

7.7% of our US Leadership hires this year were URGs (-9.6pp). 40.5% of our Leadership hires globally were Women, our strongest year and largest YoY improvement (+9.9pp) since 2020.

Technical roles
We’ve made some growth in the representation of Women in Tech this year (+0.5pp to 21.7%) but remain below our goal of 25%.

Technical roles
We’ve seen small growth in the representation of Black (+0.4pp to 2.8%) and Hispanic / Latinx (+0.2pp to 5.2%) team members in Tech. The representation of Multiracial team members has reduced (-0.5pp to 3.2%) and there has been no change for other URGs.

Technical roles
20.3% of our Tech hires globally were Women (-2.3pp) and 17.1% of our US Tech hires this year were URGs (+1.5pp).
Take a look at the numbers
Data is more than individual numbers. Together, they tell a story about our ongoing DEI journey.

Our Goals
Snap continues to make our company more diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

Data Charts
Take a closer look at how we’ve done through the years.

A More Inclusive Data Set
Our team members can share their identities, giving us a richer understanding of our workforce.
Download the Diversity Annual Report