A More Inclusive Data Set

Snap’s DEI Self-ID survey is available to 93% of our workforce, covering Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the US. The purpose of the survey is to enable team members to self-identify with a more inclusive data set beyond race/ethnicity, and gender. The DEI Self-ID survey is voluntary, and 86% of all surveyed team members responded. These results are representative of those who completed the survey.


Are members of the

LGBTQ+ community


Are transgender


Are neurodiverse or living with a mental illness and/or disability*

Physical Disability

Are living with a physical disability*


Are currently serving or previously served in a military organization


Are first-generation
college graduates


Are parents


Provide regular care for someone other than a child


Speak a first language other than English


Representations of mental illness or neurodiversity disability and physical disability are non-additive, as some team members have reported living with both types of disabilities.


'Europe' is a combination of Self-ID responses from our team members in France, Germany and the Netherlands. Responses from our UK team members are not included in the 'Europe' category, but instead reported out separately.


Representations of mental illness or neurodiversity disability and physical disability are non-additive, as some team members have reported living with both types of disabilities.


'Europe' is a combination of Self-ID responses from our team members in France, Germany and the Netherlands. Responses from our UK team members are not included in the 'Europe' category, but instead reported out separately.